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Gender Myths


Myth: Men play aggressive, strenuous contact sports like football, hockey, or wrestling.

Truth: While males are more likely to play in contact sports, many participate in non-contact sports typically associated with females like gymnastics, figure-skating, and equestrian events. 


Myth: Females participate in aesthetically pleasing activities like gymnastics, figure-skating, and synchronized swimming. 

Truth: Contact sports aren't just for men! There are female athletes playing soccer, lacrosse, roller derby, ice hockey, etc. 


Myth: Female athletes are "lesbian", "butch", "tomboy", and "masculine" individuals. 

Truth: Participation in sports does not indicate sexual orientation for any gender!  


Myth: The status of women in sports is secondary to men.

Truth: Female athletics are just as important as male athletics. Unfortunately, female athletes are often sexualized and given less coverage than male athletes - a reality that leads to the prevalence of this myth. 

Physique Myths


Myth: People with physical disabilities cannot play sports.

Truth: There a three broad disability groups: the deaf, people with physical disabilities, and people with intellectual disabilities. Each group has a distinct history, organization, competition program, and approach to sport.


Myth: Athletes are always lean and muscular. 

Truth: Athletes come in all shapes and sizes. 


Racial Myths


Myth: Black athletes rely on their “natural athleticism” to succeed in sports.

Truth: Black athletes are more than just "natural athletes", they can be intelligent, hard workers.


Myth: White athletes are more gifted in the nuances of intellect, preparation, and hard work in sports rather than naturally athletic. 

Truth: Intelligence and athleticism are not mutually exclusive. White athletes can be "natural athletes" while also being intelligent.


Myth: Asian athletes are inferior to athletes of other races.  

Truth: Asian/Pacific American athletes have accomplished great feats in the athletic realm.


Sport-Specific Myths


Myth: All NBA players are thugs.

Truth: NBA players have been involved in their fair share of crimes, but all NBA players certainly do not fall into this category. 


Myth: All NFL players take Human Growth Hormone (HGH). 

Truth: Many players say the NFL has a problem with HGH, however it is not a hormone used by all. 


Myth: All MLB players are on steroids. 

Truth: Despite some scandals, the MLB has a strict policy against drugs. 


Myth: All NASCAR drivers are rednecks.

Truth: The sport of NASCAR has taken a global turn and is no longer considered a "redneck" sport.


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athlete |ˈaTHËŒlÄ“t| noun


Origin: early 15 c. late Middle English: from Latin athleta, from Greek athlÄ“tÄ“s, from athlein ‘compete for a prize,’ from athlon ‘prize’


Definition: A person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina


Synonyms: All-star, beast, player, challenger, champion, combatant, competitor, contender, contestant, hearties, jock, participant, prize-fighter, rookie, sports person, sports man, sports woman


Purpose: Athletes are more than just physically talented individuals with a passion for sport. It's time to recognize the contributions they make to our society outside the realm of athletics. 


Documentation of sports stretches back about 3,000 years as athletics were used as preparation and training for fighting and hunting purposes. Unfortunately, to summarize a conclusive history of sports is impractical and almost impossible proposition due to the scope of sport history.


The true spirit and recognition of sports at the international level took place in 776 BC as written records note the introduction of the first Olympic Games in Olympia, Greece. The last ancient Olympics are thought to have occurred in 393 AD.


On April 6, 1896 the first modern Olympics were held in Athens and a revival of athletic competition spread throughout the world. Since then, the presence of sports have continued to thrive world-wide. 



Athlete is a site dedicated to repositioning public perception and changing media portrayal of professional athletes. The purpose behind this platform is to inspire people to consider the intricacies attached to the lifestyle of professional athletes and to challenge myths associated with these physically gifted individuals. While amateur athletes and the world of athletics in general also take a punch from the media through stereotypes and misconceptions, the focus will remain on professional athletes to maintain a more focused approach.


Our society has become incredibly lackadaisical when it comes to making informed judgements. We are accustomed to having everything available to us at the push of a button and become unsatisfied if the information we crave is not easily accessible or organized efficiently. When it comes to perception and first impressions, we rush to conclusions and create preconceived notions off of unsubstantiated stereotypes. 


Athlete caters to our society's right-here, right-now attitude by providing clean-cut information that is accessible via a desktop or mobile device. The information provided pushes readers to consider the lives professional athletes lead off the court while also asking readers to dispel their perceived reality and misinformed judgements. 


Professional athletes have a major influence on American culture; their reach spreads far beyond their athletic achievements and entertainment status. The popularity of professional athletes gives them a platform to act as political advocates, pop culture icons, role models, social beings, and sponsors. 

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